Rolf Krause
Chair for Advanced Scientific Computing
Director Institute of Computational Science
Director Center for Computational Medicine in Cardiology
Institute of Computational Science
Faculty of Informatics, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano.
My scientific research focuses on numerical simulation and mathematical modeling in scientific computing and computational sciences. As a matter of fact, the complexity of real world applications constitutes a challenge for numerical simulation, turning the development of stable discretization schemes and highly efficient solution methods into a challenging task. In addition to a well balanced combination of methodological and mathematical knowledge, it also requires experience in dealing with practical aspects of the implementation.
Thus, I do not only consider the theoretical aspects neccessary to derive and understand reliable and efficient simulation tools; I furthermore am highly interested in their qualitative and quantitative behavior, which can be best understood along employing them in the context of challenging applications. This approach allows for the development of theoretical well founded simulation methods, which show excellent performance also in real world applications.
One important aspect is to implement the developed methods in high-level software libraries, which is also done in my research group (ObsLib++, CutLib, CTI). By means of these libraries, constrained and non-linear problems can be solved using modern parallel multiscale approaches. With respect to application areas, my work focuses on the contact problems in linear and non-linear elasticity (including friction), concurrent multiscale simulations in mechanics (micro-macro transitions), real world applications in mechanics, biomechanics, and cardiac simulation.
Together with Prof. Dr. med. A. Auricchio (Cardiocentro Ticino) I am also directing the recently installed "Center for Computational Medicine in Cardiology".