CH-6900 Lugano
Rita Laureanti
Rita Laureanti is a PhD student at both Politecnico di Milano in Italy and Università della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano. During her academic career, Rita specialized in elaboration and analysis of cardiac signals, with a Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering (December 2015) on the thesis “Atrial Fibrillation detection in PPG signal recorded through a wristband device”. After one year spent working on physiological signals in a neuromarketing laboratory at IULM University in Milano, in 2017 she started her PhD work in collaboration between Politecnico and Cardiocentro Ticino on the project “Novel ECG feature extraction methods and Big data analytics tools for the screening of Atrial Fibrillation population recordings”. The aim of the project is analyzing a large dataset of more than 4000 ECG recordings and researching patterns and indices that could characterize the ECG in the general population of AF patients.